
I missed yesterday’s Tuesday Tune. I am a bad girl.

I’m having a few personal problems at the moment, which is why posts are rather patchy; I’m hoping to try and at least post a Tuesday Tune every week while I get on top of things.

For now though – a kid with a grooowl:

Rhett Price and Josh Knowles – Subway Violinists

I was going to make some quip about violins making this song acceptable listening, but I’m not going to pretend that I didn’t play the original on repeat whilst I was unpacking.

Also: Underground>Subway.

Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrell

Ain’t no mountain (of unpacking) high enough, ain’t no valley (of unpacking-induced desperation) low enough, ain’t no river (of unpacking-induced tears) wide enough to keep me from getting to you, babe.

p.s. Yes, I am still unpacking; interspersed with plenty of Zooborn action to keep morale up.

Photo credit: Stone Zoo

 Baby prehensile-tailed porcupine, yes.


I have two flats to clean, 24 years worth of toot to unpack and a shit-load of vital admin to do before tomorrow, and, somewhat inevitably, I find myself stuck in a recommended videos adventure on YouTube. I therefore recommend to you the following:

Fun fact learnt at Bournemouth Oceanarium: a group of otters is called a romp. A ROMP!